Trademark registration grants you exclusive legal rights, and they come at a cost. Understanding the price of trademark registration helps you plan and budget properly when you are looking to register your trademark in both existing and new markets. The price for trademark registration varies from one country to another. Let’s break down these fees into simpler terms.
Government fee vs. Service fee
Government fee
These are the fees that have to be paid to the trademark office to process and examine your trademark application. The amount depends on the country and may increase if you are registering more than one class of goods or services or if you have many items listed.
Service fee
This is what we charge for our expertise, time, and efforts to handle your trademark registration.
Government fee per country (as of 2024)
Here are some countries and their government filing fee (there may be publication and registration fees as well in some countries) for a basic trademark application covering one class of goods or services in various countries:

Get All-Inclusive Proposal Fast
The service fee depends on the specifications and complexity of your application and the required expertise to handle it. Get your personalized proposal for registering your trademark in your desired country with the relevant goods and services. Click here to start your proposal request.