Advertising and Promotions
We assist our clients in meeting each country's advertising and promotion regulations and standards. Our team offers expert advice throughout every campaign stage, including concept creation, clearance, maintenance, enforcement, and beyond.
We are also dedicated to actively addressing false or misleading advertising used by our clients' competitors and unfair marketing practices. We can provide a comprehensive protection strategy by integrating the expertise of our IP attorneys and professionals specializing in Privacy, Cybersecurity, and Data Protection, ensuring that our clients' marketing endeavors comply fully and are robustly defended.
Additionally, we offer guidance on the strategic use of influencers and user-generated content (UGC), including videos, photos, blog posts, reviews, and social media updates, to build and maintain brand loyalty in today's digital environment. Our skilled team adeptly handles various IP-related issues in these collaborations, such as copyright, trademarks, publicity rights, and privacy concerns. Our proactive approach ensures that our clients' partnerships with influencers and affiliates are creative and legally sound, effectively safeguarding their intellectual property and enhancing their market presence.