Trademark Formats & Examples
You can register your trademark in standard character format or special form format. The format you choose will affect the scope of protection for your trademark registration.
Standard Character Format
In some countries, this type of trademark often provides broad protection because it allows the owner to limit a competitor’s use of any stylized version or special format version of the trademark that is confusingly similar for the same type of goods or services.
For example: TWITTER
Stylized Version
Trademarks registered in special form format protect trademarks that are stylized, or are in color. Trademark owners typically register in special form format when the stylization and design are an important part of the trademark.
For example:
Figurative Trademark
A figurative trademark includes imagery, designs, symbols, or logos. No words are included as part of this trademark.
For example:
Composite Trademark
A trademark composed of both figurative elements and words, letters, or numbers, whether in standard character format or stylized or special format.
For example:
References to particular trademarks, service marks, products, services, companies, or organizations appearing on this page are for illustrative and educational purposes only.